Tuesday, March 25, 2008


A re-doodle (meaning I inked it from a copy of the original) I did while i sat @ Joe's Coffee shop.

Been feeling like dogshit today. It's time to make some changes in my diet fo' shizzle.We ("WE" being myself and my other half, Skute-a-licious) are doing a hardcore cleansing diet thingie that she's getting me into. It's suppose to clean you out,up and down and make you right again.

I don't know that I feel like i'm "looking forward" to that...But i am looking forward to cleaning out the pipes and getting back into some sort of shape- because the bad number ( 36) is looming and I want to be more healthy and all that shit.

We are also getting rid of the internet. Which is becoming somewhat of a time waster.At least for a month. So it will be interesting to see how much output i can get "out" without getting "sucked in" if you know what i mean?

BUT- have no fear- I will try to take good old CLAIREBENNET ( my MACbook) to the coffee shop to update you on all the latest fits of ALIEN TECHNOLOGY.

Thanks for stopping and...


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